Happy Hours School hosted a captivating event that exalted the essence of motherhood through cultural performances, evoking profound sentiments of love and sacrifice. #mothersday #momlove #maa #eternallove #tributetomoms #motherslove #momisthebest
Event Gallery
Animal Party
Mothers’ Day
Yellow Day
Earth Day
Graduation Day
Sports Day
Sparkles & Joys of Diwali
Dussehra Celebrations
October 23, 2023
Plastic Free Rally
October 06, 2023
Meri Matti Mera Desh
September 27, 2023
World Chocolate Day
Our students celebrated World Chocolate Day with delicious creations magically produced during a fun-filled workshop.
July 07, 2023
Earth Day
Baisakhi Balle-Balle
Republic Day - Celebrating the Diversity & Unity of India